Do you ever find yourself jumping feet first into new resolutions, ‘I’m going to exercise every single day’, ‘I’m going to stop that bad habit’, ‘I’ll never do that again’. Rather than taking on new limitations, maybe you could choose to ‘marry your goals with grace’!
“Choose to ‘marry your goals with grace.” [Tweet this]
For example, chose three things that you would like incorporate more of in your life; then psychologically, you’d be more inclined to continue doing it. As some options, you could start your morning by meditating, praying or saying three things you are grateful for. You could choose to go for a walk or get a breath of fresh air on your lunch hour. You could choose to make a list of your action items for the next day, every night before bed. The idea here is to live an abundant life where you add value to who you are and what you’re doing every day. Will you choose to add some new things to your day to fill your cup? Will you choose to marry your goals with grace?