Month: November 2017

Mind, Body & Soul Transformation Tribe

You are invited to come on a journey. Let go of your troubles, let go disease, let go of depression; let go of worry. Instead, on this journey you get to pick up luggage filled with positivity, encouragement and hope.

If you’re loving the things you’ve read on this website and you would like to get more intentional about your personal development. Then, I welcome you to join my tribe. No one’s perfect, so as I’m working on myself, I will help support you, using the tools of healthy eating, affirmations and scriptures. This is the journey to your wellness. This is the journey to transform your mind, body and soul. This is the journey to your best you. Are you ready?

Join the Mind, Body & Soul Transformation Tribe!

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Build self-esteem through scripture

Many women struggle with limiting beliefs.  As a mom, you sometimes feel like you’re not doing a good enough job juggling all of the many things on your plate.  You feel riddled with mommy guilt even though you’re doing your very best to take care of everyone else.

Limiting beliefs or negative thoughts tend to attack your mind; they hook into your spirit and they attempt to drag you down into anxiety, despair and depression.  It’s important to remember that these are lies; not the truth. John 8:44 says that the enemy is the “father of lies”. Many people, including Christians, have bought into those lies. It’s time to say no more. It’s time to cleanse your mind, reclaim it and renew it with truth. 

One of the easiest ways to re-program your mind is to meditate on scripture. So here’s a list of verses that will help remind you of How God Sees You. Print them out and keep them on your bedside table to remind you of who you are and whose you are. You my dear, are beautifully and wonderfully made. Let go of the limiting, negative beliefs and embrace the truth.

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