Month: May 2018

2 quick ways to break through frustration

As a mom, there are some days where you’ll feel frustration. That’s absolutely normal. The thing is, no one like to stay mired in that feeling. Want to know two quick ways to break through the frustration?

1.) Ask yourself, “What’s going right?” Even if you feel like nothing is working, there’s usually something that is. So, look closely till you find the things in your life that are bringing you joy. Focus in on those things. Be grateful for those things. Keep reminding yourself that you’ve got some great blessings in the midst of your frustration.

2.) What’s your big dream? You might be feeling frustrated right now but what’s on your heart? What’s on your mind? What dream do you have for yourself? What vision do you have for your kids or for your family? Get future focused and ask yourself what you can do to begin moving closer to making your big dream transform into a reality? Then take action. It’s those necessary small steps that you take consistently that will and keep you getting closer and closer to your heart’s desire.

Frustration will come but you don’t have to invite it to stay. Instead, use these two super quick ways to focus on your possibilities and allow the frustration to dissipate.

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Teaching our kids about healthy friendships

Helping our kids navigate friendships is so tough. There are times as moms, where we see that our child’s friendship seems unhealthy, but we struggle with what to do to help our kids through those situations. I’m starting to realize, that a part of the approach to dealing with this issue, is helping our kids identify not only what kinds of friends they want to have but what kinds of friendships they should try to avoid.

So how would I describe an unhealthy friendship to my kids? Hmm, that’s a tough one. However, if I were to hazard an approach, here’s what I would do. I would encourage my kids to begin to take notice and observe their friendships a little more. When they share a piece of good news with their friend, I want my kids to notice if that friend seems happy for them or do they say something to brush it aside and act like it’s no big deal, or do they respond with an even bigger more important thing that they did. I want my kids to be surrounded by friends who can receive and give encouragement. I’m also planning on asking my kids to observe their own pattern with their friends and adjust accordingly.

The other thing I’d like to encourage my kids to pay attention to is whether their friend is open to sharing them with other good friends or if they only want to keep the friendship isolated to the two of them. On the other hand, does their friend tend to ditch them when someone ‘better’ comes along?

I also want my kids to be aware of how their friends make them feel. When they hang out with their friend, do they feel encouraged and supported or does their friend say mean things to them, while sometimes even presenting it as ‘just a joke’.

Establishing healthy friendships is an important lesson we can teach our kids. As we know all too well, our teaching tools can’t only be verbal. We need to utilize other resources to help the life lessons we try and teach be even more effective. So how do you do that? Well, in a situation like this, it means taking the time to double check our friendships too. As moms, we’ve got to practice what we preach. So, if we have unhealthy friendships in our lives, maybe it’s time to let them go. Share your realization with your kids, talk openly about your reasons for wanting healthier friendships and how you’re going about distancing yourself from your unhealthy friend. Maybe watching your process of choosing healthier friendships, will inspire and motivate your child to choose healthier friendships for themselves too.

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Does self-care matter?

Do I really need to incorporate self-care into my daily routine? The answer is yes. I know you’re busy, you’ve got so much on your plate. You’re making breakfasts, lunches and dinners. You’re cleaning the house yet again (if you’re like me you feel like seriously didn’t I just clean this place yesterday?). You’re busy rushing the kids from activity to activity. You’re juggling home life, with work, volunteering; extended family responsibilities and so much more. Then you hear people say, you’ve got to find time for yourself and you wonder…when?

I totally feel you! I agree that you’re schedule is definitely full but I also want to invite you to be honest with yourself. If you keep going at this pace, without taking time to re-charge, is it possible you might experience some burnout? Could you already be feeling a bit of it now? I’m not asking you to overhaul your entire schedule. I’m simply asking you to take a look at it and see if there’s some way you can fit yourself into it. Whether it’s a 5 minute meditation in the morning or 5 minutes of gratitude journalling before bed. Please find some time to do something that helps you feel renewed. Trust me hon, you’ll be so glad you did.

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A thought about Habits

Sometimes our bad habits become old and uncomfortable; we look at ourselves in the mirror and realize that those habits don’t look that great on us. This is a powerful moment. This is a eureka moment. This is the moment where we can choose to finally take off and discard the things that are not serving us anymore.
We can then replace them with healthy habits, things that make us look and feel better. Habits that fit better with the person we are right now; the person we are continually working on; the person we are becoming. Looking to adopt some great new habits? Join the 7 Days of Positivity Challenge.
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