Our guest on this episode of Village Mama is Jessa Rodenburgh-Roberts. She credits herself as being an incredibly lucky woman to have met the love of her life when she was 21, and they’ve now been together for 19 adventurous years.
Jessa and her husband were incredibly blessed through adoption and brought home their beautiful son from Ethiopia 6 years ago. Infertility and adoption challenged, as well as solidified her faith in God more than anything. In her words, “God has been so good to me through all my struggles to become a mother, and then faithful during my struggles as a mother to a child with special needs. I need God each day to help direct my energy and spirit and help me be the mother that my child needs me to be.”
She lives with her family in Toronto, Canada and Jessa is keeping it real with us in this episode about adoption and mindfully parenting a child with special needs. We’re grateful to you for sharing your story mama!
+ Check out Jessa’s blog: La Belle Vie
+ Here’s her suggestions for adoption resources: Adopt for Life
+ Domestic Adoption Support Group
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