On this episode of Village Mama, Char Lekx is sharing a bit about, The Enneagram: Parenting and the Head Center of Intelligence, specifically Types 5, 6 and 7. She’ll be discussing some strengths of these types, some challenges they may have and she’ll be giving some mindful parenting tips to help them deepen their connection with their children.
Self-reflection is such an important part of our parenting journey. It helps us to be aware of how we’re showing up, how we’re behaving and how the people around us may be experiencing us. If you’d like to dive deeper into this topic of identifying your Enneagram type and figure out how to parent from a healthier and happier place, check out the e-course, Parenting from YOUR best self.
Char is a transformation coach, mom to two kids 8 & 9 and loves to travel.
+ Freebie from Char: The Blueprint of a Mindful Mama: 8 Steps to Parenting from a more mindful space
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