Some of us have healthy roots, strong stems and beautiful leaves. Today, I want you to look at yourself a little bit closer. Are you planted in shallow soil? Are there rocks all around you? Are you not getting enough nutrients? Do you feel like you’re not getting enough sunlight?
Matthew 13, talks about the parable of the farmer sowing seeds. Some got eaten by birds, some wilted under the scorching sun, some were overtaken by other plants but some produced abundant crops.
“Maybe it’s time to be open to the blessings and beautiful abundance that’s meant just for you..” [Tweet this]
So I’ll ask you again, where are you planted? If you find yourself planted in an unhealthy place where you can’t grow and bloom beautifully and bear good fruit. Maybe it’s time to consider planting yourself deeper into your relationship with God. Maybe it’s time to surround yourself with good healthy friendships. Maybe it’s time to be open to the blessings and beautiful abundance that’s meant just for you.
You are meant to be more and do more but you can’t be effective if your roots are exposed and not getting what they need to survive and thrive. It’s time to invest in yourself. Plant yourself where you’ll get all of the healthy (self-care) nutrients you need, and in doing so, you’ll finally begin to start living your best life.