When you’re in a place where you are busy and yearning for renewal, some common feelings you might encounter are overwhelm, frustration, irritation, anxiety and stress. Here’s the great news though, you don’t have to keep feeling this way. To help you manage these feelings, I’ve designed a ‘7 Days to Renew You Self-Care Challenge’. Get tips and tricks to help you re-charge and feel renewed over the next 7 Days. You might be wondering, what is self-care? It’s activities that help to nourish your mind, body and soul. You’ll love this self-care challenge because it’ll leave you with renewed energy, joy and peace.
“You’ll love this self-care challenge because it’ll leave you with renewed energy, joy and peace.” [Tweet this]
If you’re wondering how it works, each day for 7 days, you’ll get an email with a prompt of the day to help you make some practical, positive changes in your life. It will come to you in this format because it will be easier for you to manage adding one positive thing to your life each day. J.R.R Tolkein said it best, “Little by little we travel far.” Our little by little, will be one activity each day for 7 days to help shift you from overwhelm and stress to a place of positive energy and peace.
You know yourself best. If you feel it’s time to tackle all you have to do, from a place where you’re more centred, balanced and focused. Sign up to get started. This is a fun way to challenge yourself to live a more harmonious life. Making a decision to invest in your self-care is such an important part of your wellness journey. Take the 7 Days to Renew You – Self-Care Challenge! After all, you deserve good things too.