
A thought about Habits

Sometimes our bad habits become old and uncomfortable; we look at ourselves in the mirror and realize that those habits don’t look that great on us. This is a powerful moment. This is a eureka moment. This is the moment where we can choose to finally take off and discard the things that are not serving us anymore.
We can then replace them with healthy habits, things that make us look and feel better. Habits that fit better with the person we are right now; the person we are continually working on; the person we are becoming. Looking to adopt some great new habits? Join the 7 Days of Positivity Challenge.
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Sometimes you’ve just got to kick it old school and put pen to paper so you can figure out your thoughts. With technology giving us great options all the time, we often get caught up in the new and exciting. We can now journal, scrapbook, pin, vision board etc. online. Yet recently, I was reminded of how much I love to simply journal on paper. There’s something I find calming about opening a journal, smoothing down the sheets of paper with my hand, watching the pen dance across the lines and filling the empty space with my thoughts, feelings and emotions.

I find that even when you start from a place of confusion or turmoil, if you sit with a pen and paper, eventually your thoughts are able to pour out, stretch, multiply, contract, deepen, expand, get darker, then lighter and eventually coalesce into something concrete, something with substance, into what you wanted to get out of your soul but mere words spoken into thin air couldn’t quite capture it. At the very least, re-reading what you wrote can bring clarity to where you’re at and how you’re feeling about it and at the most possibly some wisdom about where you need to go in the future. I get that journalling isn’t fancy and new but I believe it can be transformative in a way that some of our newer technologies just can’t. Would like to hear your thoughts. What do you love about journalling?

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Setting intentions

Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.” and I completely agree. The things we focus on, are the things we’re going to see manifest or multiply in our lives. If you’re focusing on being stressed, you’re going to feel more stressed. If you’re focusing on positivity, it stands to reason that you’ll feel more positive.

What if you set an intention this year to be healthier, happier, more joyful, more grateful and more aligned? You would see more of these things show up in your life by simply focusing on these specific intentions.

Once you’ve identified your intentions, the way that you want to ‘be’, then it’s time to set goals towards getting you closer to that transformation. As an example, say you’ve been feeling quite tired lately and you want to set an intention to feel more rested this year. Your focus then becomes to ‘be’ more rested. Your S.M.A.R.T goals could then be to create a bedtime routine for yourself that includes putting away all technical devices an hour before bedtime, reading a relaxing book or making a to do list of what has to be done tomorrow. You need to be able to take measure of how consistently you’re doing that bedtime routine each night. Do you need to get your hubby on board so they’re not enticing you to binge watch Netflix before bed? This bedtime routine needs to be something that’s achievable for you. You also need to keep checking in with yourself to assess whether the routine is working or if you need to tweak it further.

I love the fact that intentions can be set to transform us in small and large ways. That we get to decide who we want to show up as and ‘be’. If you’d like to identify some simple ways you can set intentions this year, check out these tips.

First, think about who it is you’d like to be. What are your values? How do you want to show up in life? How do you want to feel? Next, articulate this even more by writing out what your intentions are for yourself this year. Remember, less it more when setting intentions; you don’t want to feel overwhelmed with the amount of change entering your life. Then, set some S.M.A.R.T goals around how your intentions can become your reality. Finally, let go and trust that it will all work out well.

Intentions work best when we consistently check in with ourselves and give ourselves permission to process, make changes and grow. During your reflection or meditation time, try focusing on your intention to remind yourself of who it is you are ‘be’coming.

Here are 5 intentions to get you started:

I am a person who is flexible and embraces change.
I am a person who does things with joy.
I am a person who is present with my family and friends.
I am a person who finds the positive in everything.
I am a person who has lots to be grateful for.

Click here to download a free copy of these intentions for yourself.

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Mind, Body & Soul Transformation Tribe

You are invited to come on a journey. Let go of your troubles, let go disease, let go of depression; let go of worry. Instead, on this journey you get to pick up luggage filled with positivity, encouragement and hope.

If you’re loving the things you’ve read on this website and you would like to get more intentional about your personal development. Then, I welcome you to join my tribe. No one’s perfect, so as I’m working on myself, I will help support you, using the tools of healthy eating, affirmations and scriptures. This is the journey to your wellness. This is the journey to transform your mind, body and soul. This is the journey to your best you. Are you ready?

Join the Mind, Body & Soul Transformation Tribe!

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